Directorate of Roads and Motorways begins construction of the road I/68 Třanovice - Nebory (Třinec)
Building permits have been issued for the entire length of the construction of the dual carriage-way. The ongoing expropriation proceedings of one landowner, where ŘSD together with the Regional Office of the Moravian-Silesian Region filed a cassation complaint against the decision to cancel the expropriation of the real estate in question, prevent the complete completion of the property rights preparation. On 30th May 2019, the Supreme Administrative Court of the Czech Republic issued a decision rejecting the defendant's cassation complaint (Regional Office of the Moravian-Silesian Region) and the cassation complaint of the Czech Railways, returning the proceedings to the first instance, ie the Frýdek-Místek City Hall for a new hearing. On 30th October 2019, the Regional Authority of the Moravian-Silesian Region issued a decision in which it upheld the contested decision (Decision of the City of Frýdek-Místek on the revocation of ownership of 11th March 2015).
The owner filed several administrative lawsuits (including a criminal complaint) against the decision of KÚ MSK. On 2nd October 2019, a contract was signed with the successful tenderer. The handover of the construction site took place on 29th October 2019. The ceremonial start of the construction took place on 6th November 2019. The commissioning deadline is 32 months from the date of the commencement of works. Ongoing preparatory, design and other related work precede the actual construction work. Stabilization of the Basic demarcation network, demarcation of the construction perimeter, surveying of the existing terrain and connection to the existing roads, additional Engineering - geological survey incl. final reports, elaboration of the Traffic Operation Plan of the construction, itemization and felling of woodland within the footprint plan of the construction, itemization of the roads, buildings, wells and areas affected by the construction, processing of the Temporary Traffic Flow Measures (DIO), RDS design. In April, removal of the topsoil related groundworks will begin.
EIA ZP UR SP VZ ZS UP 02/2008 08/2013 10/2011 2018 10/2018 10/2019 2022 Abbreviations
EIA: Opinion of the EIA • ZP: Approval of the project aim • UR: Release territorial planning decision • SP: Issuing of building permit • VZ: Tender results declaration • ZS: Start of construction • UP: Commissioning